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Grandma Lives in Fragrance Village

Basic Information:
Author: Fang Su-chen
Illustrator: Sonja Danowski (Germany)
Format: 230mm×270mm
Pages: 48
Publication Date: Aug. 2014
Rights Sold: US, UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, South Korea, China Taiwan

About the Author:

Fang Su-chen is an experienced children’s author from China Taiwan. She writes children’s poetry, fairy tales, and picture books. Fondly called “Flower Granny” by many readers, she has won multiple awards for the eighty titles she has written and translated.


About the Illustrator:

Sonja Danowski works as an artist and illustrator, with a particular focus on how drawn images can help preserve human memory. She has received many international awards for her arts. In 2015, she was honored Golden Island Winner of Nami Concours Awards in South Korea.



This is a beautiful and inspiring picture book. It tells a touching story with true universal appeal. Xiaole and his mom visit his grandma in Fragrance Village. It will be his last visit with his grandma, though he doesn’t know that at the time. They spend a day together, and the memories later comfort Xiaole and his mom. This is a story about losing your beloved one and a theme that is easily relatable for everyone. People will die, but their love will last forever. Dealing very sensitively with the subject of death in the family, this book helps explain the idea, and it also aids children and adults in many other family situations.

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