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Mr. and Mrs. Candy's Trip

Basic Information:
Author: Zhu Ziqiang
Illustrator: Zhu Chengliang
Format: 205mm×215mm
Pages: 32
Publication Date: Jul. 2014
Rights Sold: South Korea

About the content:

When the lilac trees are in full blossom, Mr. and Mrs. Candy have a few days to themselves. Excited, they decide to go to a holiday resort thousands of miles away. So they start to search for a hotel. They browse through their options on the Internet and read customer reviews. Unfortunately, they find none satisfactory. All the seemingly nice hotels end up having some problems, too noisy, too secluded or too difficult to reach. By the end, they decide to skip the holiday trip and just stay at home. Mr. and

Mrs. Candy’s Trip is selected and displayed at Bologna Children’s Book Fair Illustration

Exhibition 2016.

About the Author:

Zhu Ziqiang is a theorist, translator, and writer in the field of children's literature. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Ocean University of China, as well as the director of the Children's Literature Research Institute. He has published 13 individual academic works, including "An Introduction to Children's Literature" and "The Classics Tell Us This". His "Zhu Ziqiang Academic Collection" spans 10 volumes. Collaborating with Zuo Wei, he created the children's story series "The Rat Class of Hua Tian Primary School" (4 volumes), which won the Second Taishan Literature and Art Award in Shandong Province, the Bing Xin Children's Literature Book Award, and was selected as one of the "50 Favorite Books of the Public" in 2010. He also collaborated with Zhu Chengliang on picture books such as "The Talking Hand" and "Old Tang Couple's Travel", with "The Talking Hand" winning the Silver Award of the Picture Book Era Award. He has translated nearly a hundred famous works of picture book masters, including Tatsuya Miyanishi, Goro Fujita, Suekichi Akaba, Taeko Takahashi, and Yoshifumi Nagasawa, as well as the dialogue work "The Power of Picture Books".

Zhu Chengliang is a renowned illustrator and a member of the China Artists Association. His picture books have won numerous awards both domestically and internationally. His illustration "Twinkling Rabbit Lantern" received the "Nomura" award from the United Nations Asia Cultural Center; "Reunion" won the first prize of the inaugural Feng Zikai Children's Picture Book Award and was selected as the top of the 2011 New York Times Book Review's list of world children's picture books; for his illustrations in "Old Tang Couple's Travel", he was awarded the Illustration Award at the 2016 Bologna International Children's Book Fair. Other picture book works include "Grandpa's Tinderbox", "Flame", "The Talking Hand", and "Cotton Granny Can't Sleep".


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