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AAP Reports Downturn in Trade Sales for April 2017

Sales in the two major trade segments fell in April, compared to the same period in 2016, according to new figures released by the AAP. Adult book sales dropped 4.0% in the month, compared to April 2016. In the children's/young adult category, sales declined 4.6%.

The decline in adult book sales was almost entirely due to a 56.5% drop in sales in the mass market paperback category. Sales of e-books fell 6.0% in the month, while trade paperback also dipped 6.0%. Hardcover sales were solid in April, up 7.8%. Downloadable audio sales increased 28.6%.

Even with the April decline, sales of adult trade titles were up 1.3% in the first four months of 2017, over the comparable period in 2016. The increase was led by a 24.5% jump in downloadable audio sales, and a 14.1% gain in hardcover sales.

The 4.6% drop in children’s/young adult sales in the month was due to a 21.6% decline in e-book sales. Sales of all three print formats were up in April, led by a 13.5% gain in board book sales. For the first four months of 2017, sales in the segment were down 3.6% compared to the January-April period in 2016.

Despite the decline in the trade areas, overall book sales were up 0.6% in the month, led by a jump in higher educational course materials where sales rose 72.2.% Sales for the first four months of 2017 were up 4.2% in the January-April period of over 2016.

Sales from the AAP, released as part of its StatShot program, are based on figures from 1,205 publishers that are provided to the organization .

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